
Combining out-of-home advertising with smartphones amplifies your campaigns exposure by connecting your brand with your consumers, in both the physical and digital worlds. Our creative supercars generate the desire for engagement by pulling consumers towards us. Consumers scan the QR codes, take pictures and videos sharing them across social media platforms along with trendy hashtags.

The message is more personal and authentic as it’s sent from the users themselves instead of sponsored ads and provides your brand with global exposure from one location.
Geofencing technology allows us to set a perimeter around the locations and events you want to target. Once we select your target areas we set up a scheduled route for each day that will maximize your results. We can set points of interest in selected hotspots that will deliver personalized content about your campaign. The personalized content would appear on peoples smart phones who enter the marked area.

Response Codes

QR codes can be scanned using a smart phones to access your brands digital content. Highly interactive we find creative ways to display your QR codes for best engagement. To further improve on our digital performance we equip our mobile billboards with the following intelligent devices.

Proximity based beacons placed inside our supercar billboards deliver a personalized message to nearby smart phone users via Wi-Fi / Bluetooth. As pedestrians and motorists come within 150-feet of our billboards location the beacon collects the devices ID for mobile advertising and triggers push notifications informing the users of any digital content of your choosing.

Long after our supercar billboards move on their way your message will continue to be displayed via standard banners or video ads when people visit their favourite mobile sites and apps.
Near Field
Communication (NFC)

NFC enabled supercar billboards allow nearby smart phone users to tap designated areas displayed on our creative design for direct and quick downloads of your brands digital content. NFC transmits information wirelessly within 1” read range. NFC offers high security and authentication for exclusive content.